Creationist Finds Fossils, Fails to See Irony

The Washington Post recently published an article about a creationist, Edgar Nernberg, who recently found a few fish fossils. The author apparently thought this fact—a creationist finding fossils—held some deep irony. The title of the piece was “Whoops! A creationist museum supporter stumbled upon a major fossil find.” Why whoops? The patronization, finger-wagging, insult, self-satisfaction, […]

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Judith Curry Addresses the Wicked Problem of Climate Change

Judith Curry is a scientist who has been hard at work unraveling what she calls the wicked problem of climate change. In this particular case, she doesn’t use the word wicked in a moral sense, though her detractors almost always do. In the midst of the UN hearing on climate change, Curry’s testimony was a […]

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A 1000-Year-Old Anti-Bacterial Recipe is Reopening the Battle of the Books

The antibiotic-resistant super bacteria known as MRSA have met their match in a 1000-year-old home remedy reconstructed from a recipe in the Anglo-Saxon tome Bald’s Leechbook: Scientists recreated a 9th Century Anglo-Saxon remedy using onion, garlic and part of a cow’s stomach. They were “astonished” to find it almost completely wiped out methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, […]

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GMOs and Unintended Consequences

A small British Columbian company named Okanagan has just received approval to commercially plant and harvest genetically modified apples that do not brown when sliced. These apples join a few other GMOs in a fairly tight circle of commercially produced frankenfruits: The so-called Arctic apples — which will be available in the Granny Smith and […]

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Vaccines are Sold on Herd Immunity Theory … Is It a Myth?

If you have chosen for your children or yourself not to get the three thousand vaccines and four trillion boosters recommended by the establishment, you’ve probably heard the ringing refrain that you are damaging herd immunity and damaging the country’s immunological complexion. But recent studies are casting a shadow of doubt on herd immunity theory: […]

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Millions of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to be Released in Florida Keys

British scientists working with Oxitec plan on releasing millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys pending approval by the Food and Drug Administration. What could go wrong, right? Oxitec’s lab workers manually remove modified females, aiming to release only males, which don’t bite for blood like females do. The modified males then mate […]

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Test Subjects Felt Separation Anxiety … Over Their iPhones?

According to a new study, people separated from their smart phones feel separation anxiety: To conduct the study, researchers told participants that the purpose of the experiment was to test the reliability of a new wireless blood pressure cuff. The subjects were then given word search puzzles to complete, the first time with their iPhone […]

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Turns Out Sugar Isn’t So Sweet

Added sugar in our diets might be doing more to us than just making us fat, according to a new study assessing the deleterious effects of sugar in our diets: “People are becoming literate about the toxic effects of sugar,” [Dean] Schillinger [a member of the SugarScience team that did the newest sugar study] said, […]

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The Lost Generation in a Brave New World

“But old clothes are beastly,” continued the untiring whisper. “We always throw away old clothes. Ending is better than mending, ending is better than mending, ending is better …” Children in Brave New World were hypno-trained with messages of endless consumption and appetite for new things. Because without constant and regular consumption, the over-production of […]

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To Explain Evolution, You Need More Time

Bill Nye recently explained “evolution” in two minutes, using emoji. The video is humorous on a few levels. For one, Bill Nye is actually charming. For another, explaining a purportedly billions-of-years process in two minutes (with the extra triviality factor of emoji thrown in for good measure) exceeds the threshold of complete absurdity. For instance, […]

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