Vanity Fair Has Never Been Truer to Its Name

Vanity Fair, like Jezebel, is one of those various publications that embraces, and tries to transappropriate (emphasis on the trans in this case), a negative (usually Christian) term. We all remember Jezebel, the hateful vicious idolatrous wife of Ahab, but perhaps the allusive source for Vanity Fair has become obscure to modern audiences. It’s from […]

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Creationist Finds Fossils, Fails to See Irony

The Washington Post recently published an article about a creationist, Edgar Nernberg, who recently found a few fish fossils. The author apparently thought this fact—a creationist finding fossils—held some deep irony. The title of the piece was “Whoops! A creationist museum supporter stumbled upon a major fossil find.” Why whoops? The patronization, finger-wagging, insult, self-satisfaction, […]

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Fox News Doing to Rand Paul Exactly What They Did to His Father

Back in 2008 and 2012, people talked about how Ron Paul could never win. He wasn’t “electable,” people thought he was extreme, nobody knew who he was, etc. Most people didn’t realize that the only reason they thought any of that was because Fox News and the rest of the main stream media waged war […]

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The Emperor’s New News and Why Millennials Love Jon Stewart

Millennials love Jon Stewart, and sometimes it’s hard for the Fox-News-loyal parents and grandparents of Millennials to understand the appeal. First, Jon Stewart would not exist if CNN and Fox News didn’t exist. It is only because of their particularly hard-lined, agenda-framed, news-menu approach that Jon Stewart has any material—and any audience. The thing is, […]

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Rolling Stone to be Sued By Fraternity Over Debunked Gang Rape Article

Just like we live in a racist culture, we also live in a rape culture. Or so everyone loves telling me. The media loves race and rape stories. There’s no getting around that. But Rolling Stone may have allowed a good story to get in the way of the truth. And they might be paying […]

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Can We Fix the Internet?

Recently, I clicked on an article on a music website about Gorgio Moroder—one of the original architects of EDM and a recent collaborator on Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories. I hoped to get information on his new studio album, but as I scrolled down to read the article, I stopped dead in my tracks. In […]

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Obama Wants to Reclassify the Internet as a Utility

In a recent speech, President Obama laid out his plan for protecting the freedom of the internet. It involved reclassifying the internet as a utility. Regulating internet service under Title II would mean reclassifying it as a utility, like water. This means that internet providers would just be pumping internet back and forth through pipes […]

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Obama Laments the Balkanization of Politics … He Created

Politics in the US has become more divided than ever. The right and the left have become even more extreme and even less compromising on their views. And Obama sees this as a problem: What you’ve seen with our politics, partly because of gerrymandering, partly because of the Balkanization of media so people just watch […]

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The Lion or the Fox: Obama is Now Taking Questions

Obama has tried to present an image for his administration of absolute transparency despite the fact that his administration has overseen the most closed and controlling White House in basically all of presidential history. But things might be changing. Ever since Carney was replaced as Obama’s Press Secretary, Obama has been taking questions. Sometimes a […]

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Archie the American Icon Dies Defending Gay Agenda

I remember when I was younger chewing Bazooka bubble gum and reading the little Archie comic that was wrapped around each pink rectangle. My sisters read the Archie digests, the appeal of which I didn’t understand. The stories seemed fragmented and the jokes seemed corny. But one thing was for sure—Archie embodied the sort of […]

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