EPA Promotes Earth Day by Burning Thousands of Gallons of Jet Fuel

The EPA is on a tour promoting Earth Day, a move which has prompted some environmental groups to cry foul. See, the tour is intended to promote the cutting of greenhouse gases in order to curtail climate change, but ironically (or hypocritically, as the case may be), the tour itself will require the use of […]

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Green Energy Could Collapse the Existing Power Grid

An article in the Los Angeles Times points out a problem that few proponents of green energy have considered: the existing power grid was not designed to deal with the fluctuations and unpredictability of green energy power sources. As it is, the power grid is an extraordinarily complex and fragile system. An array of highly-trained […]

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Government Hiding Inflation Behind Gas Prices

Texas oil production is higher than it’s been since 1985. It has doubled in less than three years, and the boom doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. Meanwhile, gas prices keep going up. Why? The most major reason is inflation. If you look at an inflation-adjusted curve for gasoline prices, you’ll notice that inflation-adjusted prices […]

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Abiotic Oil: Is “Fossil Fuel” a Misnomer?

Wikipedia defines “fossil fuels” as “fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years.” If this is true, fossil fuels are not being made anymore. This would mean then that oil is a fixed-quantity, non-renewable […]

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