Why Are Millennials Losing Their Religion?

A new Pew Research poll indicates that American Millennials are losing trust in the positive impact of churches on society: Younger generations tend to have more-positive views than their elders of a number of institutions that play a big part in American society. But for some institutions – such as churches and the news media […]

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Why Christian Terrorism is an Oxymoron While Islamic Terrorism is a Truism

In the wake of the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, many political commentators have been quick to criticize Republicans for being unwilling to call Robert Lewis Dear a “Christian terrorist” though those same Republicans want to call ISIS and its agents “Islamic terrorists.” Here’s a representative example of this argument from (of course) Think Progress: But […]

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Waning Blue Laws and the Changing Church

The church’s place in American society is changing. A recent AP article declared that the church’s influence in the once Christian-dominated Bible Belt has greatly eroded in recent years. But I take some issue with this declaration. The metric for the church’s influence was largely based on blue laws: you know, the laws that keep […]

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Donald Trump Wants to do What with American Muslims?

So in another Twilight Zone episode of history repeating itself, Donald Trump is not ruling out tagging, logging, and tracking every Muslim in the US just in case one might be a terrorist: “Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to […]

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Another Casualty of the War on Christmas: Planned Parenthood Replaces “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays”

I recently saw a Christmas e-greeting from the Greater Memphis Region chapter of Planned Parenthood, and I was appalled and outraged to see that they had replaced “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays.” I don’t know about you, but I feel like this replacement is just another emblem of the Christian culture cleansing of the West. […]

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Actively Homosexual Ex-Vatican Officer Thinks He Kept His Vow of Celibacy

Full disclosure: I don’t think any officers of the church should be forced to take a vow of celibacy. That said, I think that any church officer who takes any vow of office should keep that vow. With that in mind, here’s the sad story of Krzysztof Charamsa, former officer of the Vatican: Less than […]

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Is Kim Davis a Martyr or a Malefactor?

Yesterday, I wrote about Kim Davis, the Rowan County clerk who has refused to issue marriage licenses of any kind since the June Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Yesterday, I asked the question of whether Davis was a hero or a hypocrite, since she herself has been married four times. Since I wrote that […]

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Are We Witnessing the End of the Church’s Tax-Exempt Status?

For all the talk of separation of church and state, it seems most people don’t understand that concept cuts both ways. Most people think it means that the church should have no influence on the state, not vice versa. And in the wake of the same-sex marriage ruling, some commentators are calling for the end of […]

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The Diversity vs. Equality Paradox and the Branding of America

I just read an interesting article on the ambivalent feelings some homosexuals have had toward the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage. According to some homosexuals, especially the older ones, the normalization of homosexuality has eroded the uniqueness of the homosexual identity: Rainbow-hued “Just Be You” messages have been flashing across Chase A.T.M. screens in […]

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Florida Sheriff Attacked by Freedom From Religion Foundation for “Preaching” in Uniform

The Freedom from Religion Foundation certainly doesn’t mince any words concerning what they’re about. Recently they went on the offensive against a Florida sheriff who was invited to speak at a local Baptist church. Apparently, they wanted him to change out of his uniform first: [Polk County Sheriff Grady] Judd spoke from the pulpit of […]

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