Obama’s Anti-Terror Strategy is to Keep Losing Like We Have Been

Obama’s commitment to continue the current American anti-terror strategy has managed to upset both sides of the argument. At this point, Obama doesn’t have much to lose. He has a dwindling number of final days in the Oval Office, and he has made it clear that he intends to pursue his own brand of policy […]

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Trump at 41% … Who are the Real Low-Information Voters?

Donald Trump has 41% of Republican voters on his side. My mind is reeling from the possibility that Donald Trump has a real chance of being the Republican candidate for president of the United States. That means that Donald Trump just might be the next person to occupy the Oval Office. Yes. This guy: via […]

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Relativists Love-Hate Sex-Violence and Embattled Porn Star James Deen

You know things are bad when one of the most logically consistent voices coming from the left is an alleged serial rapist and pornographer. James Deen, who has starred in over 2,000 pornographic films, recently responded to allegations that he had raped a growing list of ex-girlfriends and co-stars. I’m not writing about this story because […]

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Planes, Guns, and Automobiles: Perceived Safety and Irrational Fears

My brother-in-law has never flown in an airplane. He’s terrified of the idea. But he’s a big fan of driving. It’s basically useless to tell him the statistical reality that flying is probably safer than driving: In absolute numbers, driving is more dangerous, with more than 5 million accidents compared to 20 accidents in flying. […]

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Why Christian Terrorism is an Oxymoron While Islamic Terrorism is a Truism

In the wake of the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, many political commentators have been quick to criticize Republicans for being unwilling to call Robert Lewis Dear a “Christian terrorist” though those same Republicans want to call ISIS and its agents “Islamic terrorists.” Here’s a representative example of this argument from (of course) Think Progress: But […]

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There Are No Half Measures That Can Fix Gun Violence

The main problem with all of the proposed fixes for gun violence in the US is that only extreme measures will make any difference, and extreme measures aren’t going to fly in centrist central DC. Let’s look at the polar extreme fixes that might work: 1) Absolute totalitarianism Now hold on before you get all […]

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Waning Blue Laws and the Changing Church

The church’s place in American society is changing. A recent AP article declared that the church’s influence in the once Christian-dominated Bible Belt has greatly eroded in recent years. But I take some issue with this declaration. The metric for the church’s influence was largely based on blue laws: you know, the laws that keep […]

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Even if Climate Change Theory is False, We’re Still Harming the Environment

One of the biggest problems with the left’s emphasis on climate change is the fact that skeptics end up throwing out all environmental concerns on the basis of the “flimsy evidence” for global warming. That’s unfortunate, because the reality is that we are actually doing a lot of damage to the environment, even if the […]

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Binge Watching TV Connected to Early Onset Idiocy

A new study indicates that binge watching television, when combined with very little exercise, degenerates your mental capacities at an astonishing rate, even in very young people. So, in case you were wondering why the Netflix and chill generation seems like a teeming horde of slack-jawed mouth breathers, now you know: Researchers at the Northern […]

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Keep Telling Yourself You Live in a Free Country

“Land of the free, home of the brave” doesn’t apply to the US anymore, but don’t tell that to the brainwashed sheeple still singing it at the top of their lungs. The flat fact is that we’re not brave, no matter which side of the aisle we’re cowering in. As a country, we are motivated […]

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