Gun Control PSA Encourages Kids to Steal Guns

A controversial gun control PSA depicts a glum-faced child stealing his parents’ hand-gun, taking it to school, and slamming it down on his teacher’s desk crying, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house!” As you might expect, this gun control PSA has not been lightly received on […]

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Is the US Economy Really In a Full Recovery?

In another exercise in self-fulfilling prophecies, economists told the US economy that it was in full recovery, and the news jolted the stock market into another temporary jump: The US economy grew at a sizzling 5 percent annual rate last quarter, the fastest since 2003, fueled by consumer and business spending. The surge confirmed that […]

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The Interview, The Hack, The Commies, and The “Cave”

It’s kind of a strange day when a comedy vehicle piloted by the stars of stoner movie Pineapple Express is at the center of an international cyber-terror debacle highlighting the strange intersection of government coercion, freedom and national security, the refreezing Cold War, and the politicized entertainment industry. What a weird world we live in. […]

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Racism: Michelle Obama Asked for Help at Target

I really don’t understand. Honestly. Michelle Obama recently talked about how even the First Lady suffers the ravages of racism, but her illustrative anecdote is quite puzzling: “I tell this story—I mean, even as the first lady—that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target—during that visit, not highly disguised, the only person who actually came […]

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And the ‘Most Obese Workers in America’ Award Goes To…

A new study released by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine reveals the most obese workers in America. And the winner is? Police: A study has revealed US cops have the highest rates of obesity among any profession in the country. Along with firefighters and security guards, nearly 41 per cent of boys in blue […]

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To Explain Evolution, You Need More Time

Bill Nye recently explained “evolution” in two minutes, using emoji. The video is humorous on a few levels. For one, Bill Nye is actually charming. For another, explaining a purportedly billions-of-years process in two minutes (with the extra triviality factor of emoji thrown in for good measure) exceeds the threshold of complete absurdity. For instance, […]

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Gay Bakeries Refuse Christian Wedding Cake Requests

It has become well-known that Christian bakers have been targeted by homosexuals for refusing to bake cakes for same-sex weddings. Some of these Christian bakers have been fined by the State, threatened with death or violence by homosexual protestors, and generally harrassed—some to the point of losing their businesses. But what happens when the glove […]

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Teen Marijuana Use Down Since CO Legalization?

In a non-intuitive twist, it seems that pot legalization in marijuana has not contributed to a sharp increase in teen marijuana use. In fact, legalization might be contribuing to a drop in teen use: Since the passage of HB10-1284, Colorado’s historical medical marijuana regulation legislation, current marijuana use among high school students in Colorado has […]

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Oops! Your Electric Car is Not Better for the Environment

It’s probably the case that you are not helping the environment with your 100% electric car. That’s because, even though you aren’t using pollution-emitting fuels inside your engine, you are using them to make your electricity. That is, unless something drastically changes to produce a cleaner electricity grid for the US. So, oddly enough, a […]

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SCOTUS Further Entrenches Police Double Standard

In an 8-1 decision some are accusing of applying a double standard, the Supreme Court, led by John Roberts, has decided that the police can used seized evidence even when they gain said evidence by a misinterpretation or misapplication of the law, as long as the misinterpretation is “reasonable”: The ruling came in a North […]

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