The Smoking Hard Drive: Did Lois Lerner Knowingly Destroy Evidence?

About a year ago, Lois Lerner got in big trouble when it became clear that the IRS was knowingly targeting right-wing groups for closer scrutiny before granting tax-exempt status. The scandal that ensued resulted in her resignation, but the whole story had not yet come to light. One of the major unanswered questions was, “How […]

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The Public Authority Exception and the “War” on Terror

In 2010, Anwar al-Awlaki, an apparent member of Al-Qaida, was killed by an authorized drone strike in Yemen. Another man, Samir Khan, also died in that drone strike, though he had not been targeted. This particular drone strike caused quite an uproar in the legal community. Because both of the men killed were actually US […]

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Washington Redskins Being Bullied to Change Name

The U.S. Patent Office, which recently attended to the important work of granting Amazon it’s “subject on a white background” photography patent, recently re-affirmed its indispensability by suspending the trademarked name of the Washington Redskins. According to the Patent Office, Redskins is a racially derogatory slur aimed at “Native Americans,” and, as such, is disqualified […]

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Michelle Obama Still Thinks Women Are Stupid

Is it 2016 yet? I don’t like Barack Obama’s policies. But Obama himself does actually seem like, in his honest moments, he might be interesting to talk to. Yes, he’s destroying the country. But he seems like an OK dude otherwise, for what it’s worth. His wife Michelle, on the other hand, really drives me […]

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Is Rick Perry Right About Homosexuals?

Rick Perry recently came under fire for some comments he made likening homosexuality to alcoholism: Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the […]

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Tesla Motors Paves a Path Around Big Auto and Big Oil

There are two major inter-related reasons we are dependent on oil (either foreign or domestic): conventional cars and conventional power plants. Tesla Motors may have found a way to make real progress to get around these two obstacles. Whatever your opinion of the Green Energy movement (and its many-times liberal enthusiasts), there is no doubt […]

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NY Taxi Commission Exposes the Real Racists

One of my favorite passages in Gone with the Wind involves a moment of realization on Scarlet Ohara’s part—that the real racists are the abolitionists. It’s worth repeating here: What damnably queer people Yankees are! Those women [Yankee women who had just told Scarlett they wouldn’t trust a “negro” to be a nurse to their […]

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Evolutionists: Man Learned Language from Lower Animals

Oh my. It honestly boggles my mind just how stupid some theories are. Once you adopt the macro-evolutionary model, I guess you have no choice but to occasionally go full retard. Here’s a prime (or should I say “primate”?) example: Humans learned to talk to one another by copying birds and other primates sometime in […]

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Chicago Public School Prom Slogan: “This is Are Story”

A public school in Chicago recently evidenced the very fine job we’re doing of educating our youths. Its deliciously satirical prom slogan was “This is Are Story.” Clearly, this is a rapier wit social commentary tidbit on the educational plight of the poorest members of inner city Chicago. Or it could have been a monumentally ham-headed […]

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Obama Loves Australia’s Gun Confiscation Program

In our steady trek toward a progressive socialist country, there is really only one further step in gun control that America can take—outright gun confiscation. Some states have already begun gun registration and all states have gun owner licensing, gun-free zones, and other forms of gun control. But that still isn’t anywhere near as much […]

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